By Stewart Wrighter
Have you been considering a number of Westwood OH apartment rentals, only to find that the spaces within your budget are not the most appealing? If your budget is on the small side, you may find yourself focusing on more affordable apartments. But cheap Mt Washington OH apartment rentals may have their downside; they may have negatives that outweigh their attractively low rents. When looking for an apartment that is well within your budget, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First of all, do not assume that just because a rent is low there definitely something wrong with the apartment, low rents do exist in buildings that are well-kept and in neighborhoods that are safe. You may see quite a few units that you have no desire to rent, but this would not be true of all low-priced spaces. Legitimately affordable apartments, rooms and homes are out there and with a little luck, you can find one of your own. For example, there are homeowners in need of tenants to help keep up the property who may offer discounted rents. There are landlords out there who are not all about profit.
Then again, you will want to remember that there are just as many agents and landlords out there who merely want to make as much profit as possible. Scammers are out in droves as well especially on sites like Craigslist, where they will attempt to attract as much attention as possible with the promise of low rents. Often scammers will copy and paste legitimate ads to create their own listings in order to harvest emails that they will sell for profit. When looking for an apartment, you will want to be sure that you are dealing with someone who is an actual agent or landlord. Be sure to schedule an appointment to see the physical property, but do not stop there, get proof that a person is able to legally rent the space to you, and be sure that all payments can be documented. If someone asks you for cash, consider the request a huge red flag.
When speaking with a landlord or real estate agent, request information on any additional costs. Just because a rental otherwise appears completely affordable does not mean that there are not costs that were initially hidden from you. If you have always rented apartments that included utilities in the monthly fee, then you may not suspect the added costs of garbage, parking, electric, hot water or heat. Be sure to figure out how much these and any phone, internet and television extras will cost you on a monthly basis when sorting out your budget.
Before you sign anything, be sure to read your lease very closely. It will contain your monthly rent costs, as well as any increases that may occur in the future. It sometimes happens that a landlord will try to raise the rent, however, legitimately after a few months’ occupancy. If this is not in your budget, do not sign. Request a new lease or simply find another apartment.
About the Author: Stewart Wrighter recently contacted a real estate agent who specializes in finding
Westwood OH apartment rentals
. His son searched the term
Mt Washington OH apartment rentals
to find what is available.
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