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Submitted by: Catherine A. Knox
This examination centered on representing applicants technological familiarity, ability and skills to construct, deploy, sustain and secure an ecosystem project and Apache Hadoop cluster that include the enterprise information hub.
The CCA-410 Examination is for Cloudera Certified Administrator for Apache Hadoop (CCAH) that gives an additional boost to the candidates in IT sector.
Subjects Covered During the Examination:
1. HDFS (38%)
Recognize the commands to manipulate files in the Hadoop File System Shell
Explain file read and write paths
Establish the best information serialization choice for a given scenario
Examine the role of HDFS security (Kerberos)
Recognize components and daemon of an HDFS HA-Quorum cluste
Given a scenario, Recognize appropriate utilize case for HDFS Federation
Classify foremost goals of HDFS Design
Recognize present features of computing systems that inspire a system like Apache Hadoop
Explain the normal process of an Apache Hadoop cluster, both in data processing and data storage
Explain the purpose of all Hadoop Daemons
2. MapReduce (10%)
Realize how to deploy MapReduce v2 (MRv2 / YARN)
Realize how to deploy MapReduce v1 (MRv1)
Realize essential plan strategy for MapReduce v2 (MRv2)
3. Hadoop Cluster Planning (12%)
Principal points to consider in selecting the hardware and operating systems to host an Apache Hadoop cluster.
Examine the choices in selecting an OS
Realize kernel tuning and disk swapping
Given a scenario and workload pattern, recognize a hardware configuration appropriate to the scenario
Cluster sizing: given a scenario and frequency of execution, recognize the specifics for the workload, containing memory, CPU, disk I/O, storage.
Configuration and Disk Sizing, including JBOD versus RAID, SANs, virtualization and disk sizing necessities in a cluste
Network Topologies: realize network usage in Hadoop and propose or Recognize key network design components for a given scenario
4. Hadoop Cluster Installation and Administration (17%)
Given a scenario, recognize how the cluster will handle machine and disk failures.
Examine a logging configuration and logging configuration file format.
Realize the basics of Hadoop metrics and cluster health monitoring.
Recognize the purpose and function of accessible tools for cluster monitoring.
Recognize the purpose and function of accessible tools for managing the Apache Hadoop file system.
5. Resource Management (6%)
Realize the overall design goals of each of Hadoop schedulers.
Given a scenario, establish how the FIFO Scheduler assigns cluster sources.
Given a scenario, establish how the Fair Scheduler assigns cluster sources.
Given a scenario, establish how the Capacity Scheduler allocates cluster sources.
6. Monitoring and Logging (12%)
Realize the features and functions of Hadoops metric collection capabilities
Examine the JobTracker and NameNode Web UIs
Interpret a log4j configuration
Realize how to observe the Hadoop Daemons
Recognize and observe CPU usage on master nodes
Explain how to observe swap and memory allocation on all nodes
Recognize how to view and manage Hadoops log files
Interpret a log file
7. The Hadoop Ecosystem (5%)
Realize Ecosystem projects and what you need to do to deploy them on a cluster.
4. Hadoop Cluster Installation and Administration (17%)
Given a scenario, recognize how the cluster will handle machine and disk failures.
Examine a logging configuration and logging configuration file format.
Realize the basics of Hadoop metrics and cluster health monitoring.
Recognize the purpose and function of accessible tools for cluster monitoring.
Recognize the purpose and function of accessible tools for managing the Apache Hadoop file system.
5. Resource Management (6%)
Realize the overall design goals of each of Hadoop schedulers.
Given a scenario, establish how the FIFO Scheduler assigns cluster sources.
Given a scenario, establish how the Fair Scheduler assigns cluster sources.
Given a scenario, establish how the Capacity Scheduler allocates cluster sources.
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